This cluster of small spires (Tottering Tower, Apollo Column, The Bump, and Fire Spire) is located a few miles east of The Dalles. These adventurous pinnacles are quite challenging due in part to the friable nature of the rock. It is best to climb here during cool weather (such as winter) because it is generally free of ticks and rattlesnakes at that time of year. Historically, this area has attracted climbers since the 1950s and possibly earlier.
For Directions and Beta: see the Gorge Rock chapter in the Northwest Oregon Rock guidebook.

An out-of-print historical old guidebook details a minor bit about this site (primarily historical reference): A Climbing Guide to Oregon, by Nick Dodge (print date 1973)
Services: The nearest gas station is in The Dalles, Oregon. Biggs junction also has a gas station.
Amenities: The city of The Dalles has it all, from grocery stores, restaurants, fast-food eateries, and a few evening bars.
Camping and Lodging: Columbia Hills State Park (Horsethief Lake) is a popular fee camping site. Spearfish lake area (just north of the dam) has unimproved camping viability. Lodging is available at The Dalles.
Administrative Agency: A mix of private and federal lands depending on where you are walking near the pinnacles.
Seasonal Factors: Avoid summer (rattlers and ticks). Better in winter-ish months (Nov-March).
Climbing Precautions: Wear a helmet...the rock is considerably less than ideal. Know how to use pitons.
Road access: Interstate I-84 freeway gains you quick access points. Just be sure to park somewhere off the paved road (the mile in front of the pinnacles is all guardrail blocked).
Additional Notes: It's definitely adventure climbing.