Regional Analysis

Local, regional, & Pacific Northwest based outdoor organizations (and some USA / global entities)

Table 2

Web link Organization Location
Access Fund Access Fund provides an extensive analysis of USA wide, regional and local access issues, and an opportunity to be a member and become involved in climbing related politics. USA based
Save Madrone Wall Promotes a multi-use future for Madrone Wall on the Clackamas River. Since October 21, 2017 the new Madrone County Park is an ideal gem for seasonal rock climbing. Portland,OR
Mazamas Prominent Portland based organization which provides a great means to participate in many types of outdoor sports activities. Portland OR
Chemeketans Locally based outdoor adventure organization dedicated to providing great opportunities for climbing, mountaineering, etc. Salem OR
Ptarmigans Locally based outdoor adventure group Vancouver, WA
Santiam Alpine Club Salem area based outdoor climbing and mountaineering group Salem, OR
The Mountaineers Seattle based mountaineering and climbing organization Seattle, WA
Obsidians Western Oregon based outdoor club Eugene, OR
AAC American Alpine Club USA
Cascades Mountaineers Mountaineering club that caters to people who live in Central Oregon Bend, OR
WAC Washington Alpine Club NW USA
Washington Dedicated to keeping current on issues at popular Washington climbing areas throughout the state. Washington state
Crag Rats Local based search & rescue unit Hood River, OR
CMRU Corvallis Mtn Rescue Unit Oregon
SMRU Seattle Mtn Rescue Unit Washington state
OMA Oregon Mountaineering Association Oregon
Trails Club Trails Club of Oregon Oregon
Chinook Trail Assoc Locally based trail and hiking organization Vancouver, WA
UIAA International Mountaineering & Climbing Association Global